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It is acute and highly fetal disease caused by clostridium tetani,which can forms spores and spores can survive in soil and dust for many years.


They can enter in body by following ways.
1 Animal bites
2 skin burn
3 Abrasions and laceration
4 injecting drug with contaminated needless.
5 Tattoos and body which piercing made by unsterile equipment.
6 circumcision


Clostridium tetani enter in body 
   Multiplication and release of tetanospasmin

Tetanospasmin interfere with the signals send by brain
    Muscle spasm and stiffness

    Symptoms of tetanus.

Clinical manifestations

Muscle spasm
Muscle rigidity
Dysphagia due to muscle spasm of neck and throat.
Bloody stool 


The test used for this named "spatula" 
In this test touching the posterior pharyngeal wall with sterile instrument and observations of effect.
1. in positive condition 
Involuntary contraction of jaw.
2. Negative condition.
Normal gag reflex .

Medical management

As soon as possible patient received tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG).
TIG contain antibodies which can kill clostridium tetani bacteria .
Sometimes physician may prescribe penicillin and metronidazole for treatment.


Immunization consists of three dose of DPT (diphtheria , pertussis and tetanus ) at the age of 6 week and then booster dose at 18 months.
Second booster dose (only D and T) at 5/6year .
Third booster dose only TT after 10 year of age.

Note :- Temporary protection against tetanus by injection of human tetanus hyperimmuneglobulin.

Thanking you for reading

Any queries please contact
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