Pertussis:- Pertussis is highly contagious disease affecting respiratory tract. Cause:- It is caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis And it is also known as whooping cough because it made hard to breathe and while coughing a whooping sound is produced. Etiology:- It is transmitted from infected person to no infected person by droplets and spread from person to person. Pathophysiology:- Inhalation of the aerosolized droplets | | | | | Attachment to and damage of ciliated respiratory epithelium | | | | | | Involvement of nasopharynx,bronchi and bronchioles | | | | | | Accumulation of the debris in respiratory tract | | | | | | Mucus production | | | | | | Coughing, breathing difficulty and whooping cough Diagnosis:- 1. History of typical signs and symptoms 2. Physical examination 3. Nasopharyngeal swabs test 4. Blood test. 5. Monitoring heart rate 6 . monitoring respiratory rate. Medical management:- Supportive therapy is the basis of the treatment of pertussis. 1...
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