Poliomyelitis is highly contagious disease and mainly affects the nervous system after affecting nervous system it can result in permanent paralysis.
Causative agent:-
It is caused by the virus poliovirus.
This virus is transmitted from person to person through fecal matter .it mainly affects the young child , pregnant women and person with week immune system.
This virus also spread through contaminated food or direct contact with infected person.
Virus enter in the body
Binding with the cell membrane
Hijacked host cell and replicate
Spread to tonsils , lymphoid tissue and cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes
Multiplication of virus
Absorption into bloodstream
Distribution of virus in body
Classification :-
1. Subclinical
This type of polio not affect the central nervous system.
Clinical manifestations:-
1. Headache
2. Sore throat
3. Low fever
4. Vomiting
2. Nonparalytic:-
This type of polio affects the central nervous system and does not result in paralysis.
Clinical manifestations:-
1. Fever
2. Sore throat
3. Headache
4. Vomiting
5. Fatigue
6. Abnormal reflection
7. Difficulties in swallowing
8. Back pain
9 neck pain
10. Leg pain or stiffness
11. Muscle tenderness and muscles spasms.
3. Paralytic
This polio is more serious then other type and produce full or partial paralysis ..
This polio also classified into three types .
1. Spinal polio :- spinal affects
2. Bulbar polio:- brainstem affects
3. Bulbospinal polio :- both brainstem and spinal affects.
Clinical manifestations:-
1. Loss of reflection
2. Muscle spasm and pain
3. Paralysis may be permanent and temporary
4. Post polio syndrome:-
Complication of polio when patient recovered from polio .
Clinical manifestations :-
1. Muscle weakness
2. Joint weakness
3. Muscle pain
4. Muscle atrophy
5. Sleep apnea
6. Difficulties in swallowing
7. Difficulties in breathing
Diagnosis :-
1. Physical examination
2. Thorat culture
3. Stool culture
4. CSF culture
Symptomatic treatment given to the patient.
1. Adequate rest
2. Analgesic for pain relief
3. Antibiotics for urinary infection
4. Mechanical ventilation
5. Braces for help in walking
6. Hot application for muscle spasm and muscles aches.
7. Pulmonary rehabilitation
8. Physical therapy for treating pain in muscle
The oral polio vaccine is best way to prevent polio because it's efficient in production of immunity against poliovirus
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Tq Soo much try to give tha psychiatric related topics🙏❤️