Pertussis is highly contagious disease affecting respiratory tract.
It is caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis
And it is also known as whooping cough because it made hard to breathe and while coughing a whooping sound is produced.
It is transmitted from infected person to no infected person by droplets and spread from person to person.
Inhalation of the aerosolized droplets
Attachment to and damage of ciliated respiratory epithelium
Involvement of nasopharynx,bronchi and bronchioles
Accumulation of the debris in respiratory tract
Mucus production
Coughing, breathing difficulty and whooping cough
1. History of typical signs and symptoms
2. Physical examination
3. Nasopharyngeal swabs test
4. Blood test.
5. Monitoring heart rate
6 . monitoring respiratory rate.
Medical management:-
Supportive therapy is the basis of the treatment of pertussis.
1. Limiting number of cough and severity of cough.
2. Adequate rest and nutrition.
3. Oxygen therapy and may be required mechanical ventilation.
Immunization is necessary to prevention from pertussis .
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