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Chicken pox:-

It is common and highly contagious illness that causes itching rash and blisters all over the body and mostly occurred in children.


The virus varicella zoster.


-Chickenpox can affect healthy person if he/she comes on contact with infected person who sneezing ,cough or sharing food or drinks or touching the blisters of chicken pox.

-Chickenpox can be spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over.


  Infection of conjunctiva or upper
respiratory tract.

Replication of the virus on regional lymph nodes.
Viral replication in liver.
Secondary viremia.
Appearance of varicella rash.

Clinical manifestations:-

Initially symptoms are:-
  -Sore throat
Late symptoms are
- loss of appetite

Incubation period:-

Approximately 14 to 16 days.


- Assessment of fluid present in blisters .
- Assignment of clinical manifestations of chickenpox.

Medical management:-

1. The person who have other health problems he may need antiviral medicine or immunoglobulin treatment.

2. Adult and child need only home treatment for chickenpox.

Prevention :-

Chickenpox can be prevented by chickenpox vaccine.

 Thanks for reading
Any queries please contact us on instagram



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