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Diptheria is a acute infection caused by the bacteria corynebacterium diptheria .

Nature of bacteria:-

Corynebacterium diphtheria is a facultative anaerobic and gram positive bacteria.


It is spread through droplets of a infected person or someone who carries it. Once infection occurred the bacteria produce toxins and toxin spread  Through other organ through blood circulation and cause damage the organ such a heart and brain .


Diptheria bacilli in the nasopharynx
Production of toxin
Inhibition of cellular protein synthesis
Local tissue destruction
Absorption in bloodstream
Distribution to the tissues of thr body

Classification of Diptheria:-

1. Anterior nasal Diptheria:-

The anterior nasal Diptheria is not distinguish from common cold and characterized by a mucopurulent nasal discharge.
- This is usually mild and can be terminated by antitoxin and antibiotics.

2.Pharyngeal and tonsillar Diphtheria:-

In pharyngeal and tonsillar Diphtheria there is an insidious onset that spread within 2-3 days and may form adherent membrane causing respiratory obstruction
And shows early symptoms like malaise ,sore throat , anorexia. And mild grade fever.

3.Laryngeal Diptheria:-

Laryngeal Diptheria is the extension of the pharyngeal Diptheria or can affect only a common site and cause low fever , hoarseness and a barking cough and in sever obstruction sometimes it causes airway obstruction ,coma and death .

4. Cutaneous Diptheria:-

In this type of Diptheria skin infection may be manifest by a scaling rash or by ulcers with clearly demarcation edge and membrane. other sites of involvement including the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva and vulvovaginal area as well as external auditory canal.

Incubation period:-

Incubation period of Diptheria is generally range from 1-10 days.

Clinical manifestations:-

Clinical manifestations is different according to classification.


1. Physical assessment
2. Gram stains or Thorat culture
3. Toxin assay
4. Electrocardiogram

Medical management:-

1. Antibiotics therapy such as penicillin and erythromycin.
2. Diptheria antitoxin must be given.
3. During the course of the treatment abnormal cardiac rhythm , paralysis of eye ,neck, Thorat and respiratory muscle may occur so patient need to admitted in icu.
4. Iv fluids
5. Oxygen therapy
6. Bed rest
7. Cardiac monitoring.


1. Routine childhood immunization and boosters prevent the disease
2. Protection from vaccine lasts upto 10 years so it is necessary to get booster dose after every 10 year.

Thanking you for reading

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