Tuberculosis is the infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs parenchyma and it may also transmitted to other parts of body like meninges, kidney,bones and lymph nodes.
Cause :-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the infectious agent which produces tb but sometimes mycobacterium bovis and mycobacterium avium rarely associated with development of tb .
Mycobacterium tubercule bacilli
Inflammation in alveoli
Tb specific lymphocytes and Normal tissue destroy by bacilli
Accumulation of exudate in alveoli
Form fibrous tissue mass
Symptoms of TB
Clinical manifestations:-
1. Low grade fever
2. Cough
3.night sweats
4. Fatigue
5.weight loss
6. Sputum
7. Anorexia
1. History of patient
2. Physical examination
3. AFB ( acid fast bacilli)/ Tuberculin skin test.
4.chest x-ray
5. Blood cultures
6. Sputum culture
Medical management:-
Pulmonary TB is treated primarily with
anti -TB agents for 6 to 12 months.
Currently TB. Therapy required four first line medication .
1. Isoniazid (300 mg max daily/adult)
2. Rifampin (600mg max daily/adult)
3. Pyrazinamide( 2 g max daily/adult)
4. Ethambutol ( 1.6g max daily/ adult)
1. Keep distance from infected person
2. Isolation of TB person should be done
3. Provide adequate nutrition
4. Always cover your nose and mouth with mask when contacting with susceptible person.
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