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Ventilation associated pneumonia

It occurs in people who received mechanical is subtype of hospital acquired pneumonia and also a nosocomial infection or healthcare associated infections (HAI).


The endotracheal or tracheostomy tube allow free passage to bacteria for the lungs of individual suffering from lungs and immune disorders.


Poor oral care
Accumulation of purulent secretions
Imbalance between host immunity and microbial factors
Ventilator Associated pneumonia

Clinical manifestations

1 fever
2 leukocytosis
3 purulent secretions
4 Reduction in gas exchange


It's should be suspected in any person on ventilator which shows

 High numbers of WBC count and infiltrate chest x-ray

Blood cultures may disclose the microorganisms .


1. Discontinue mechanical ventilation as soon as possible
 2. Practicing good hand washing
3. using sterile techniques for invasive procedures
4. Isolation of patient
5. Raising the head of bed atleast 30 degree .
6. Antiseptic mouthwash such as

Medical management

1. Start empiric antibiotics at the time of suspicious of infection
2. Choose antibiotics therapy on the basis of resistance pattern in the hospital area.
3. Reassess the antibiotics therapy on the basis of sign and symptoms
4. Stop antibiotics after 8 days or after blood cultures report.

Thanks for reading 
Any queries please contact us on instagram


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