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Showing posts from May, 2020

Parkinson Disease

Parkinson Disease is disorder of neurological movement which eventually leads to disability because of decreased level of dopamine . Pathophysiology:- Clinical manifestations:- Cardinal signs of Parkinson Disease are :- 1. Tremor 2. Rigidity 3. Bradykinesia 4. Postural instability 5. Uncontrolled sweating 6. Drooling  7. Paroxysmal flushing  8. Orthostatic hypothension 9. Gastric retention 10. Urinary retention 11. Constipation 12. Sexual dysfunction 13. Anxiety 14. Dysphagia 15. Dementia 16. Stress  Subtypes of Parkinson Disease:- 1. Tremor dominant  - symptoms are absent 2. Nontremor dominant - postural instability - rigidity - bradykinesia Diagnosis:- 1. Patient history  2. Presences of cardinal signs 3. Neurological examination 4. Diagnosis confirmed with postive response of levodopa ( artificial dopamine ) 5. Single Photon emission computer tomography  Management :- Treatment is to directed towards controlling of symptoms and maintenance of...

intensive care unit

An intensive care unit or icu , CCU is a area in hospital where the patient with life threatening condition and injury are cared with the use of medical skills of medical , nursing and other experienced health personnel. Classification of ICU Classification based on qualified staff , complexity of care delivery , types of patients and  speciality. 1. Level 1 ICU:- Level 1 ICU located in the small hospital and provide resuscitation for short time less than 24 hours. 2. Level 2 ICU:- Level 2 ICU is  located in larger hospital and provide multisystem support but lack with advanced therapy. 3. Level 3 ICU:- Level 3 ICU is located in larger hospital with capabilities of multisystem comprehensive critical care for prolonged period with advanced therapy and highly qualified medical personnel's. 4. Open ICU :- Open ICU is group in which critically ill patients treated and managed by different specialist. 5. Closed ICU:- Closed ICU is the group which is managed by qualified critical ca...


Poliomyelitis is highly contagious disease and mainly affects the nervous system after affecting nervous system it can result in permanent paralysis. Causative agent:- It is caused by the virus poliovirus. Etiology:- This virus is transmitted from person to person through fecal matter .it mainly affects the young child , pregnant women and person   with week immune system. This virus also spread through contaminated food or direct contact with infected person. Pathophysiology:- Virus enter in the body                          |                          |                          |                          |                          |       ...


Cataract is the opacity and cloudiness of lens and it is responsible for vision disability. Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Classification:- There are three types of cataract  1. Traumatic 2. Congenital 3. Senile cataract Risk factors :- Cataract is depend on several factors for formation. 1. Age -loss of lens transparency due to increased age - increase in sodium and calcium levels - Decreased oxygen uptake - clumping and aggregation of lens protein - Decreased in level of vitamin c, protein and glutathione - accumulation of yellow brown pigment due to lens breakdown. 2. Ocular condition - infection - myopia  - Retinal detachment  -  Retinitis  3. Toxic factors - Alkaline chemical eye burns  - poision  - use of Aspirin - calcium , copper , iron , gold ,silver and Mercury  - cigarette smoking - ionising radiation - corticosteroid 4. Nutritional Factors - obesity - poor nutrition - Reduced levels of antioxidants 5. Physical Fa...


Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects the parotid gland which is situated below and in front of ears .it may affect one or both parotid gland. Causative agent:- Mumps is caused by mumps virus. Etiology :- It is spread through when an infected person sneeze or cough then its droplets get suspended in the air and can enter the body of another person through eyes, nose, or mouth and sharing of food and drink can also spread mumps . Incubation period :- The incubation period is 2-3weeks. Pathophysiology:- Transmission of infection (by droplets/direct contact)                        |                        |                        |                        |                        | Re...


Influenza is a highly infectious disease and also known as flu. Causative agent:- Influenza is caused by influenza virus. Classification of influenza:- They are classified into three types A, B and C type. Etiology:- Influenza is transmitted by Direct contact with contaminated birds infected with this virus. In all classification of influenza influenza type A (H1N1) is more pathogenic . infection can also be spread when infected person coughs or sneeze, droplets get spread  in the air and a healthy person inhale those aerosol. Incubation period:- Incubation period of influenza ranges from 1 to 4 days. Pathophysiology:- Direct contact with infected animal or person                              |                              |                              | ...

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is also called heart attack. In myocardial infarction the clot is formed in coronary arteries of heart and it causes lack of blood supply to heart and due to lack of oxygen ischemia and necrosis of myocardium cells occur and lack of oxygen results in infraction or death of cells. Etiology:-  1. Use of tobacco products 2. Living in extremely hot or cool  3. Smoking  4. Atherosclerosis 5. High BMI 6. Extreme fat level Pathophysiology:- Pathophysiology are described in a picture Clinical manifestations:- 1. Sudden or continue chest pain. 2. Shortness of breath 3. Indigestion 4.nausea 5. Anxiety 6. Skin may be cool ,pale and moist  7. Faster heart rate  8. Faster respiratory rate Diagnosis:- 1.patient history:- 2. Electrocardiogram 3. Echocardiogram 4. Laboratory test :-  specially Troponin ,creatine kinase and isoenzymes, myoglobin. Management:- After suspect MI care should be started immediately. Initially management:- 1. Oxy...


Filariasis is an infectious caused by nematode worms and it is transmitted to human by mosqitoes. Classification of filariasis:- The classification is based on the area infected by worms are. 1. Lymphatic filariasis (Elephantiasis) :- It affects lymph nodes and lymphatic system. Causative agent:- Wuchereria Bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. 2. Subcutaneous filariasis:- If affects the subcutaneous layer of the skin. Causative agent:- Subcutaneous filariasis is caused by Loa loa, mansonella strepocerca , and onchocerca volvulus. 3. Serous cavity filariasis:- It affects the serous cavity of abdomen. Causative agent:-  Serous cavity filariasis is transmitted by mansonella perstans and mansonella ozzardi. Transmitting agents:- The culex ,Aedes , mansonia or anopheles mosqitoes are commonly transmitting agents . Pathophysiology :- Bite by infected mosquito               ...

yello fever

Yello fever is an acute systemic illness , It is caused by virus flavivirus . Transmission :- It is transmitted to human by mosqitoes namely culicine. Etiology:- This disease is caused by virus and transmitted to human by mosqitoes from infected monkey or humans. It is a zoonotic disease mainly affecting monkeys and other vertebrates. Pathophysiology:- Transmission of virus from mosqitoes                                |                                |                                |                                |                                |             ...

Medical suffixes

1. Algia :- pain 2. Atresia:- abnormal closure 3. Cele :- swelling , protrusion 4. Centesis:- puncture of activity 5. Cidle :- killer 6. Cyst :- bladder like sac 7. Dynia :- pain 8. Ectasis :-dilation 9. Ectomy :- removal, excision 10. Ema :- swelling , distension 11. Emeses:- vomitting 12. Emia :- blood 13. Itis :- inflammation 14. Kinesia :- movement 15. Lysis :- setting free , dissolution 16.lexia :- word 17. Ol:- oil or alcohol 18. Ology :- study of 19. Oma :-tumor 20. Ostomy :- artificial opening 21. Otomy :- cutting into 22. Penia :- deficiency ,lack of 23. Pery :-fixation 24. Phagia :- swallowing 25. Philia :- love of 26. Phobia :- fear of 27. Phylaxis :- protection 28. Plasty :- repair of, molding, shaping 29. Ptosis :- dropping 30. Rrhea :- discharge ,flow 31. Sect :- cut  32.septemia :- infection on the blood 33. Stasis:-state of being for standstill 34. Tome :- instrument for cutting 35.tripsy :- rubbing on crushing 36. Uria:- urine 37. Vert:- turn Thanks for reading Any...

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is the infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs parenchyma and it may also transmitted to other parts of body like meninges, kidney,bones and lymph nodes. Cause :- Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the infectious agent which produces tb but sometimes mycobacterium bovis and mycobacterium avium rarely associated with development of tb . Pathophysiology:- Mycobacterium tubercule bacilli                             |                             |                             |                             |                             | Inflammation in alveoli                    ...

Ventilation associated pneumonia

It occurs in people who received mechanical is subtype of hospital acquired pneumonia and also a nosocomial infection or healthcare associated infections (HAI). Etiology The endotracheal or tracheostomy tube allow free passage to bacteria for the lungs of individual suffering from lungs and immune disorders. Pathophysiology Poor oral care           |           |           |           |           | Accumulation of purulent secretions           |           |           |           |           | Imbalance between host immunity and microbial factors           |           |           |           |           | ...


Pertussis:- Pertussis is highly contagious disease affecting respiratory tract. Cause:- It is caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis And it is also known as whooping cough because it made hard to breathe and while coughing a whooping sound is produced. Etiology:-  It is transmitted from infected person to no infected person by droplets and spread from person to person. Pathophysiology:- Inhalation of the aerosolized droplets | | | | | Attachment to and damage of ciliated respiratory epithelium | | | | | | Involvement of nasopharynx,bronchi and bronchioles | | | | | | Accumulation of the debris in respiratory tract | | | | | | Mucus production | | | | | | Coughing, breathing difficulty and whooping cough Diagnosis:- 1. History of typical signs and symptoms  2. Physical examination 3. Nasopharyngeal swabs test  4. Blood test. 5. Monitoring heart rate  6 . monitoring respiratory rate. Medical management:- Supportive therapy is the basis of the treatment of pertussis. 1...


Diphtheria:- Diptheria is a acute infection caused by the bacteria corynebacterium diptheria . Nature of bacteria:- Corynebacterium diphtheria is a facultative anaerobic and gram positive bacteria. Etiology:- It is spread through droplets of a infected person or someone who carries it. Once infection occurred the bacteria produce toxins and toxin spread  Through other organ through blood circulation and cause damage the organ such a heart and brain . Pathophysiology:- Diptheria bacilli in the nasopharynx                            |                            |                            |                            |                    ...


Dengue:- Dengue fever is so painful mosquito borne disease caused by dengue virus. Mosquito involved:- Aedes mosquito infected by dengue virus. Pathophysiology:- Dengue virus                 |                 |                 |                 |                 | Dengue infection                 |                 |                 |                 |                 | Multiplication of virus                 |                 |                 | ...


Leprosy:-  Leprosy is the infection of the skin sore and nerver damage in the legs or arms . Cause:- It is caused by mycobacterium leprae. It is aslo known as Hansen disease after the scientists who discovered it (m.leprae in 1873). Pathophysiology:- It is classified into 3 types after the number and types of skin sores. 1. Intermediate:-       This type include early cases with hypopigmented macules and sensory impairment. 2. Tuberculoid:-  -  It is less contagious than other forms.  - a mild and less sever form of leprosy people often have one or few patches of fat and pale colored skin. 3. Lepromatous:-    It is most sever form of disease and has widespread skin bumps and rashes.  - The nose and kidney and male reproductive organs may also affected. - it is more contagious than tuberculoid leprosy.   4. Borderline :-   People with this type of leprosy has symptoms of both tuber...


Smallpox:- Smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by  variola virus ( a member of orthopoxvirus family). Note :-              It is eradicated worldwide by 1980. Epidemiology:-     -      Smallpox was a major killer all over the world. An international campaign by the world health organization led to smallpox eradication. - The last active case of smallpox occurred in bihar on May 17, 1975. - smallpox had been eradicated from India since 1977. Etiology:- Smallpox most often transmitted through air by droplets by a infected person coughing , sneezing or talking . - smallpox also spread through contact with contaminated clothing and bedding and by blood . Pathophysiology:- Inhalation of the droplets                        |                        |   ...


Chicken pox:- It is common and highly contagious illness that causes itching rash and blisters all over the body and mostly occurred in children. Cause:- The virus varicella zoster . Etiology:- -Chickenpox can affect healthy person if he/she comes on contact with infected person who sneezing ,cough or sharing food or drinks or touching the blisters of chicken pox. -Chickenpox can be spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over.  Pathophysiology:-    Infection of conjunctiva or upper respiratory tract.                          |                          |                          |                          |             ...